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xUDT Script

Extensible UDT(xUDT) is the User-Defined-Token(fungible token) Script implementation on CKB. When issuing tokens, most developers use xUDT as the Script. You can think of it as the ERC-20 smart contract on Ethereum. There is also a dApp tutorial on creating a fungible token using the xUDT Script.

How xUDT Works

Data Structure for xUDT Cell

An xUDT Cell is backward compatible with Simple UDT, all the existing rules defined in the Simple UDT spec must still hold true for xUDT Cells. On top of sUDT, xUDT extends a Cell as follows:

<amount: uint128> <xUDT data>
code_hash: xUDT type script
args: <owner lock script hash> <xUDT args>
lock: <user_defined>

The amount is a 128-bit unsigned integer in little endian format. The added xUDT args and xUDT data parts provide all the new functions needed by xUDT, the detailed structure is explained below.

xUDT Args

xUDT args has the following structure:

<4-byte xUDT flags> <Variable length bytes, extension data>

Depending on the content of flags, which is represented as a 32-bit unsigned integer in little-endian format, different extension data might be attached:

• If flags & 0x1FFFFFFF is 0, no extension data is required. Note a backward-compatible way of viewing things, which is that a plain sUDT Cell also has a hidden flags field with all zeros.

• If flags & 0x1FFFFFFF is 0x1, the extension data will contain a molecule serialized ScriptVec structure:

table Script {
code_hash: Byte32,
hash_type: byte,
args: Bytes,

vector ScriptVec <Script>

Each entry included in ScriptVec structure is interpreted as an extension Script with additional behaviors. When an xUDT Script is executed, it will run through each included extension Script. Only when all extension Scripts pass validation will xUDT consider the validation to be successful.

An extension Script can be loaded in any of the following ways:

  1. Some extension logics might have a predefined hash. For example, we can use 0x0000 ... 0001 to represent a regulation extension. The actual code for such Scripts can be embedded in the xUDT Script itself.
  2. If an input Cell in the current transaction uses a Lock Script with the same Script hash as the current extension Script, we can consider the extension Script to be validated already.
  3. If an extension Script does not match any of the above criteria, xUDT will use the code_hash and hash_type included in the extension Script to invoke ckb_dlopen2 function, hoping to load a dynamically linked Script from cell_deps in the current transaction. If a Script can be located successfully, xUDT will then look for an exported function with the following signature:
int validate(int is_owner_mode, size_t extension_index, const uint8_t* args, size_t args_length);

is_owner_mode indicates if the current xUDT is unlocked via owner mode(as described by sUDT), extension_index refers to the index of the current extension in the ScriptVec structure. args and args_length are set to the Script args included in Script structure of the current extension Script.

If this function returns 0, the current extension Script validation is considered successful.

• If flags & 0x1FFFFFFF is 0x2, the extension data will contain the blake160 hash of the ScriptVec structure as explained in the previous section. The actual extension_scripts (ScriptVec) structure data will be included in a witness field input_type or output_type contained in the current transaction. We will explain this part below. Choosing input_type or output_type depends on whether the Type Script is running on input or output Cells. Under a lot of scenarios, it is input_type. However, in the following example, “Owner Mode Without Consuming Cell,” it can be output_type.

Witness Structure

The input_type or output_type field in WitnessArgs has the following data structure in molecule format:

table XudtWitness {
owner_script: ScriptOpt,
owner_signature: BytesOpt,
extension_scripts: ScriptVecOpt,
extension_data: BytesVec,

The field owner_script and owner_signature will be used in owner mode. The field extension_scripts is used when flags & 0x1FFFFFFF is 0x2 in args.

The length of the extension_data structure inside must also be the same as ScriptVec in xUDT args or extension_scripts. An extension Script might also require transaction-specific data for validation. The witness here provides a place for these data needs.

Owner Mode Update

As described in the RFC for sUDT, if an input Cell in the current transaction uses an input Lock Script with the same Script hash as the owner Lock Script hash, the is_owner_mode will be set to true. In xUDT, this rule is updated with the following conditions:

is_owner_mode will be set to true if an input or output Cell in the current transaction uses one or more of the following Scripts:

  • Input Lock Script (when flags & 0x20000000 is zero or flags is not present)
  • Output Type Script (when flags & 0x40000000 is non-zero)
  • Input Type Script (when flags & 0x80000000 is non-zero)

With the same Script hash as the owner Lock Script hash, the is_owner_mode will be set to true. The output Lock Scripts are not included because they won’t be run in a transaction.

If the owner_script in witness isn’t none and its blake2b hash matches the owner Lock Script hash in args, this Script will be run as an extension Script. If the Script returns success, is_owner_mode is set to true. Note that the owner_signature field can be used by this owner Script. When tokens are minted, the owner_script and owner_signature can be set to appropriate values. When tokens are transferred, they can be set to none.

xUDT Data

xUDT data is a molecule serialized XudtData structure:

vector Bytes <byte>
vector BytesVec <Bytes>

table XudtData {
lock: Bytes,
data: BytesVec,

The data field included in XudtData must be the same length as the ScriptVec structure included in xUDT args. Some extensions might require user-specific data stored in each xUDT Cell. xUDT data provides a place for such data. The XudtData can be optional regardless of whether there is any extension Script or not. However, if an extension Script requires such data, it must be present.

The lock field included in XudtData will not be used by the xUDT Script. It is reserved for Lock Script-specific data for current Cells.

An extension Script should first locate the index it resides in within the xUDT args, then look for the data for the current extension Script at the same index in the data field of the XudtData structure.


xUDT uses the same governance operations as Simple UDT: an owner lock controls all governance operations, such as minting.

A normal transfer operation of xUDT, however, differs from Simple UDT. Depending on the flags used, there might be 2 usage patterns:

Pattern #1: Raw Extension Script

When flags & 0x1FFFFFFF are set to 0x1, raw extension data is included in xUDT args directly.

<vec> xUDT_Cell
<amount: uint128> <xUDT data>
code_hash: xUDT type script
args: <owner lock script hash> <xUDT args>
<user defined>
<vec> xUDT_Cell
<amount: uint128> <xUDT data>
code_hash: xUDT type script
args: <owner lock script hash> <xUDT args>
<user defined>
WitnessArgs structure:
Lock: <user defined>
Input Type: <XudtWitness>
owner_script: <None>
owner_signature: <None>
extension_scripts: <None>
<vec> BytesVec

The witness of the same index as the first input xUDT Cell is located by xUDT Script. It is parsed first as a WitnessArgs structure, with the input_type or output_type field of WitnessArgs treated as the XudtWitness structure.

Note that each extension Script is only executed once per transaction. When multiple instances of the same extension Script are included, each instance will execute independently. The extension Script is responsible for checking all xUDT Cells of the current type, ensuring each Cell's data and witness for the current extension Script can be validated against the extension Script’s rules.

Pattern #2: P2SH Style Extension Script

When flags & 0x1FFFFFFF are set to 0x2, only the blake160 hash of extension data is included in xUDT args. The user is required to provide the actual extension data in witness directly:

<vec> xUDT_Cell
<amount: uint128> <xUDT data>
code_hash: xUDT type script
args: <owner lock script hash> <xUDT args, hash of raw extension data>
<user defined>
<vec> xUDT_Cell
<amount: uint128> <xUDT data>
code_hash: xUDT type script
args: <owner lock script hash> <xUDT args, hash of raw extension data>
<user defined>
WitnessArgs structure:
Lock: <user defined>
Input Type: XudtWitness
owner_script: <None>
owner_signature: <None>
<vec> ScriptVec
<vec> BytesVec

The only difference here is that the XudtWitness in the input_type or output_type field of the corresponding WitnessArgs structure contains raw extension data in the ScriptVec data structure. The xUDT Script must first validate the hash of the raw extension data provide here matches the blake160 hash included in the xUDT args. After this, it uses the same logic as the previous workflow.

Owner Mode without Consuming Cell

As described above, If an input Cell uses an input Lock Script with same Script hash as the owner Lock Script hash, the is_owner_mode will be set to true. It isn’t convenient: this requires an extra Cell to be consumed. With owner_script and owner_signature set to proper values, we can use owner mode without consuming an extra Cell.

<Any input cells>
<vec> xUDT_Cell
<amount: uint128> <xUDT data>
code_hash: xUDT type script
args: <owner lock script hash 1> <xUDT args>
<user defined>
WitnessArgs structure:
Lock: <user defined>
Input Type: <None>
Output Type: XudtWitness
owner_script: <owner script 1>
owner_signature: <signature 1>
<vec> ScriptVec
<vec> BytesVec

The example above shows a scenario of owner mode without consuming the owner's Cell. We can implement an extension Script as <owner script 1> with signature validation. The <signature 1> can be used by <owner script 1> to place signature information.

Script Deployed Info

An implementation of the spec above has been deployed to Mirana CKB mainnet and Pudge testnet:



This Script is not upgradeable due to zero lock (lock args with all zeros).



DApp Example